Nothing Up My Sleeve and No Code In My Head

Tom Green
Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning


Tom GreenLearn how to create card flips in Flash Catalyst, spinning planets from a single image and animated steam shovels without one stop in the Flash ActionScript editor. All it takes is a little creativity and a slightly different view of how things are done.

Tom Green is Professor, Interactive Multimedia through Humber College's School of Media Studies in Toronto. He is also the author of Foundation Flash 8 Video for friendsofED and has just finished Flash 8 Professional and After Effects 7: Poetry in motion graphics which will be published by friendsofED and available later this year. Tom is a partner with Community MX and written has written over 95 tutorials ranging from the use of type on the web, and streaming video in Flash to the inclusion of DVD content in web pages.. Tom has also delivered keynote addresses and sessions at a number of conferences such as Adobe Max, TODCON, FlashintheCan and Spark Europe. Tom has also delivered seminars and training sessions in the areas of web design and the teaching of the Adobe Video and Web products across Canada.


A founding member of one of Macromedia's largest User Groups in the world, Toronto's "FlashinTO", Tom is also actively involved with Toronto's new Dreamweaver User Group in Toronto, DreaminginTO.

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